How good are these pictures from one of the young leaders our partner WACT mentors western Nepal! @prapti2765 is a young woman with a real vision for her community and she now helps lead a group for children where they can learn skills, discuss problems and chill out with games/music. Love this work!
Open On InstagramThanks for your generous gifts to our mid year appeal! You’ll be helping provide skills, encouragement and training to thousands of women who are part of our a Self Help Groups in some of Nepal’s most disadvantaged and hard to reach places. With your help, we’ll be able to support our partner WACT in Tikapur for the next 12 months. Stay tuned for project updates ❤️
Open On InstagramIndra is a member of a Tharu (indigenous) community in Western Nepal. With her husband and son away working in India to attempt to provide for the family, Indra found it difficult to keep food on the table for her daughter. Previously laboring in a landlord’s home to provide a little more income, Indra recently joined a Self Help Group and has learned about pig rearing! With two pigs of her own, she’s waiting for the market to recover a little before she sells. She’s hoping to have enough capital to add to
Open On InstagramWe’re so delighted with the success of the Self Help Groups we support through partners in Nepal. They change lives in the most significant ways- better food and health, income to keep kids in school. They mean hope and the chance to shape life for the better. Thanks to all who’ve given to make the power of Self Help possible for women in some of Nepal’s most disadvantaged areas. Link in bio if you’d like to help- we still need support before June 30! ❤️❤️
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