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Self Help Groups - the magic ingredient in Kalikot

People in Kalikot are creative and determined. Working together in Self Help Groups, they're creating concrete change for good.

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Why I'm still flying in Nepal

In the aftermath of the country's most deadly air crash in thirty years, how do we make decisions about flying in Nepal? What kind of responses honour grief but also provide hope?

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Good help is hard to find

Santosh grew up in remote communities in Nepal. Drawing on his current work as one of INFA's international Project Officers, he shares what he's learnt about helping communities lead from their strengths and learning from local people.

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We're building the Birthing Centre!

We asked you to help our partners build a birth centre in one of Nepal's most remote areas - here's what we're achieving together!

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Mess and the Messiah

In the aftermath of Christmas, with all its mess and mixed feelings, the Messiah can be found.

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Songs of Grace and Salvation

The first in a series reflecting on grace, redemption, the power of voice and the gifts of Christmas.

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Journeys: from Nepal to Australia

As a teenager, Kritika walked two hours a day to attend university while teaching in a local school. She now lives in Australia.

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Three reasons charities don't 'send every dollar to Africa'

We all want to see our charitable donations used for maximum impact. Sometimes the idea that 'every dollar goes to Africa' (or Nepal... or the Surf Life Saving Club) seems very attractive! There are three good reasons why most organisations don’t generally…

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What do communities really need?

Our partners go door to door talking to community members to find out their challenges and hopes for transformation.

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Pankh and the power of 287

One year ago, Pankh Bohora was given a loan.   He lives in a remote community in Western Nepal where more than half the population survives on less than 50c a day. The loan was pulled together by fellow members of his community Self Help Group. At each…

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Are governments listening?

Why advocacy really matters In early 2021, the world looked on aghast as the Delta strain of COVID-19 decimated communities in India. Exhausted medical staff, desperate people carrying oxygen tanks, a death toll that sent fear up the spines of people…

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Pray with us in September

For Your Prayers… WACT Give thanks for the successful visit of INF Australia’s International Programs Manager Russ Hancock, with whom WACT was able to share stories of their work and a vision for the future.…

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