Zero Leprosy Appeal

Leprosy is curable with early intervention. This World Leprosy Day, help us fund an education seminar in remote and marginalised communities.


Zero Leprosy Appeal

Leprosy is curable with early intervention. This World Leprosy Day, help us fund an education seminar in remote and marginalised communities.


There aren’t many times in life when half a sentence changes absolutely everything.  This is one: “You have leprosy - but it’s curable”. 

Leprosy is a terrible disease that attacks every part of the body, and due to contagion, often results in the sufferer being cut off from their family and community, even as children. 

Telling someone their child’s leprosy can be made uncontagious and cured, at no cost to them, gives them freedom from a life sentence. 

When you fund an education seminar, you enable this message to spread to countless others. Leprosy is curable with early intervention, and partly treatable after that. 

So telling poor parents about signs that could easily be missed, and how to get treatment they don’t have to pay for, is absolutely vital - for their child, their family, their community and anyone who comes in contact with the disease in future. 

INF Australia has been funding professionals to visit  remote and marginalised communities for many years, so they can share this message. 

You are doing something powerful and very good when you enable this work to happen. Thank you!

Donate now

Please donate using the form above. Your generous gift helps meet the needs of vulnerable Nepalis attend a leprosy education seminar.